
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Grievances to President Kiir: Why Luanyjang Community is Being Neglected by Government

5 min read

To: H. E. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit: President of the Republic of South Sudan, Commander-in-Chief of Regular Forces, Chairman of the SPLM

Monday, October 25, 2021 (PW) — Your Excellency: It is with utmost pleasure and joy to take this greatest golden opportunity to appreciate for always trying day night to bring peace to the people of South Sudan. Luanyjang community is committed to the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement. Other political parties are highly respected due to your honour and love within the community, though SPLM has the strongest base in the community, we accepted giving Tonj East County administration to other political parties based on agreement demand.

We said it was done by our father and he trusted us, he knows very well no one will change or brainwash us away from SPLM. And that is natural in us, if we accept a person, no one can break or separate that bond.

Your Excellency,

Allow me to bring to your attention as a concerned citizen of this particular community. Your Excellency, you are seeing us sitting or upper part of the body is comfortable but down there are ANTS EATING US. Don’t be surprised soon to see us limping socially, politically, economically. The random arresting of Luanyjang youths made me recall on gone issues because we condemned Mrs. god who doesn’t need to be questioned about her deceitful deeds.

Your Excellency,

Few instances I felt, we are like orphans or abandoned. Your excellency, when soldiers and civilians incident happened on 8th August 2020 where 87 civilians were killed including women, children. Your office remained mute, not even mere condolences. Worse of it, you formed a committee to investigate the source of conflict but to date, that report isn’t on your table because the committee was sabotaged not to meet you so that you continue in the darkness of not getting the truth. Irresponsibility act done by the trained army went unaccounted for. Why your excellence? Where do you think we belong?

Secondly, Luanyjang’s Primary 8 National Exam was denied in the name of the area is controlled by IO.  You are the head of the Security of this country, do you have such reports of IO controlling the Luanyjang Area? Still, your excellency, you sealed your mouth about our pupils’ rights to do the exam. Can you imagine the psychological and emotional effect done to kids who were preparing to do their exams? Though examination was done afterwards, why first repudiate it?  Currently; are you aware Luanyjang youths who condemned the cancellation of exams are being hunted down in Juba? There are unnecessary arrests. Even me who is bringing this to your attention is on the list “kalas”! But can’t scare me off to tell my agony. Your excellency, where should we go to? Why us your excellency?

Thirdly, my leader, have you ever questioned yourself, why Luanyjaqng is fighting her neighbours ever now and then? May I request you to involve yourself as the father of all to investigate? Dear president, what is happening on the ground is different from those reports you are receiving. Covering the truth always kill a million. That is why you fought the war of Southern Sudanese your entire life because Arabs were doing inhuman activities that doesn’t encourage peaceful coexistence. Your excellency, can you tell me a community where 89 people were killed cool blooded (2017 data) on the road but still forge togetherness? What of now, data has reached what?

That is one live example, why Luanyjang fights her neighbours, there are many more examples. People talk of destruction, but those are the results of conflict. Why people are looking at the outcome but leaving the initial or root cause? No one likes conflict or fight but some of the things are enforced on which happened on frustrations after long waiting for government intervention. My President, may I request CALL RECORDINGS to see who are really behind inciting communities’ conflicts in towns. Your excellency, we are finishing in your watch “Kuur miidit”, why?

Fourthly, I commonly do dodge or ignore and tell other complainers, why President isn’t picking our sons or daughters to higher positions. I usually say, look in the politics of nominating, it depends on how you play your cards. Maybe among our politicians, you haven’t yet found someone who can work for you. Because if it is matter, who knows Luanyjang more? You will be the best history teller, who Luach is. My daily heart-aching, we are missing in national cake sharing though we have never stabbed SPLA/M at the back. This much isolation is making me feel so, you encompass us in nation-building. We have capable people who can work with you smoothly.

Your excellency, the list of my feeling is long but I cut it short not to bore my readers. These are only a few grumbles; why I felt we are being neglected by the government politically, socially and economically. Politically, there are those who are always trying day and night to disconnect leadership and the Luanyjang community by branding us bad names. Flashback during liberation time, when it was cooked up Luanyjang doesn’t need SPLA/M in her land until GEN. MALOK ALENG and GEN. PAGAN AMUM were sent. They were astonished at how they were received in Luach. This joyful hospitality was witnessed by Our Late Hero, Dr John Garang De Mabior in 1997 when he visited the area after receiving the report from Comrade Malok & Comrade Pagan that the community was innocent.

Lastly and not least; I would also like to appeal on behalf of Luanyjang if anyone ill-treated you unknowingly before my birth or now. Please sorry, can you forgive us. Have that amnesty you commonly do to others who did much to South Sudanese. I’m really feeling like not a citizen of this beloved country. Too much of your silence on our suffering makes me think and question a lot. Our people are missing services: HEALTH, SCHOOL, CLEAN DRINKING WATER and ROAD to mention a few. We will always rally behind you no matter what, loyalty is permanently in our blood.

Yours faithfully citizen,

The author, Monychol Kulong Madut, can be reached via his email:

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