
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Kemetic Egypt: A Dialogue on the History of Civilization in the Nile Valley

5 min read

By Thiik Mou Giir, Melbourne, Australia

Sunday, October 31, 2021(PW) — In a response to my comment under Jacob Jiel Akol’s post ‘I just wonder who shot off the nose of Sphinx and why!’ Pro Douglas H. Johnson wrote the following: ‘Thiik M. Giir Here are two more accounts of the Sphinx’s nose: HERE  and HERE. Since there are drawings and paintings of the Sphinx made before Napoleon’s invasion that show the nose was already gone, why do you keep on insisting that Napoleon blew off its nose as some sort of white supremacy conspiracy?’

Here is my response. Indeed Prof. Douglas H. Johnson, they are two different accounts among others, including the one I have been referring to when I wrote that Napoleon blew off the Sphinx’s nose. I can add one more account. I read in the past that when the Europeans went to Egypt to preach Christianity, they found the local people believing in gods represented by those statues. They thought that by breaking the noses of the statues, they could deny them their ability to breathe and as a result would all die paving a way for Christianity. So, they had to break the noses of the statues.

I have never claimed to be a historian. The documentations of those assertions came from historians and the so-called Egyptologists.  As you have seen yourself, they cannot all be true.  However, I have read other people’s work and they quoted from notes left by Napoleon as stating, “I am ashamed to glorify the people I hate!”  It seemed there is no dispute upon this statement.  All I have done was to what he said side by side with other factors, from that time up to this very moment.  The pattern is important in order to establish whether he did it or not.

“I am ashamed to glorify the people I hate!” The people he was talking about were Africans. The statement revealed his racist sentiment. That was bad. He invaded other people’s lands to kill, loot and destroy. That was bad. Other Europeans, Arabs and other people before him and after him did the same.  It was war, collectively waged against the people who were much more superior than them.

The Europeans, followed by Arabs, took control of the African wealth of knowledge.  Then they were able to position themselves as the only people who are allowed to make comments on African history, particularly ancient Egyptian history.  They control it so much so that, if an Ancient Egyptian, who participated in building the upper and the lower Nile valley’s civilisation, was able to come back to life, he would not be allowed to have access to that knowledge hidden away in the European institutions.  He would have to work hard, like any African, in order to have himself heard by the world. This is disgraceful.

Sphinx is not a Kemetic (Egyptian) name.  It is a Greek name. It was originally a name of a Greek monster who positioned himself at a Greek city gate. He killed anyone who wanted to go into the city or to come out of the city after they failed to answer a riddle correctly. The Greeks replaced the Egyptian noble name with their own Greek’s monster’s name.  Now, think of the fact that something, with a noble name given by the builders, the Ancient Egyptians, was built to glorify their Kemetic (Egyptian) Pharaoh was, instead, given a monster’s name by the invading Greeks.  How pathetic!

The Europeans, in cohort with some Jews, claimed that the pyramids were built by the Jews.  We now know that Abraham (1800BC), the father of the Jews, was not born at the time the pyramids were being built.  How could anyone build anything before one is born?  Impossible! The Europeans claimed that the Ancient Egyptians were a white mysterious race.  Thus, this lie was the motive behind the breaking off of the inconvenient African nose of Sphinx’s and of other statues’ noses.  It was just to make their false claim sound like what Donald Trump’s people later called, “The alternative reality.”  This is the kind of history the European experts want everyone to believe.

When all attempts failed to make a case that ancient Egyptian civilization was developed by the mysterious white race and by the Jews, then the Europeans came up with a strange idea: aliens descended from the sky, created Egyptian civilization and then disappeared!  This is a kind of history writing that has indeed gone bad.  Why? There is no way that white people should accept the fact that Egyptian civilization was developed by black people!

Now, is it not possible that the invading, European military leader, who wrote, “I am ashamed to glorify the people I hate”, could have ordered his soldiers to break off the Sphinx’s nose?”  Obviously, it is possible.  I rest my case.  Napoleon had the same mindset of the white and Arab people before and after his era.  The white man’s attitude towards Africans has not changed very much until this very day.  The story of Sphinx’s nose being broken off by Napoleon does not have to be necessarily true.  It represents the acts of destruction of anything Africans by the Europeans, the Arabs, the Turks, etc.

The fact that the first human civilisation was produced by the people of the Nile valley, black as they are, is something they are to be “ashamed”.  They “hate” them then and they “hate” them now.  Therefore, they have long resolved to destroy, control, or confuse anyone who dares to accept that Sphinx’s nose was broken off by Napoleon Bonaparte.

Thiik Mou Giir, bachelor’s degree in education from the University of Alexandria, Egypt; Post Graduate Diploma, from Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. He can be reached via his email contact:

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