
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Statement of Gen. Salva Mathok on Kator Court’s Verdict on Jebel Lodge and Rock City Hotels

5 min read
Hon. Salva Mathok Gengdit

Hon. Salva Mathok Gengdit

Press Release: Statement of Gen. Salva Mathok Gengdit on the verdict readout on November 03 2021 by Kator Court regarding Rock City and Jebel Lodge Hotels

Friday, November 05, 2021 (PW) — The decision passed by judge Moujahid Abdella Akol on the case of Rock City between Mr Solomon Chaplain Lui and I is rejected by me. I didn’t occupy Rock City illegally, and we have signed documents regarding the businesses in Jebel Lodge and the Rock City.

On August 11, 2016, we signed a power of attorney authenticated by all Ugandans legal institutions and South Sudan for us to take care of his all assets across South Sudan. We have also signed the official mandate powers of appointment letter August 05 2016 as partners to recover rent and arrears from Mr Karl Wipfler and Mr Amulya Berhera who occupied Jebel Lodge and Rock City by then during the period of Mr Solomon Chaplain Lui.

We have also signed the Success Fee Remuneration Agreement on May 19 2016, talking to recover monies, lands, assets and properties in South Sudan. We signed a joint venture agreement with Mr Solomon Lui as partners on business for 10 years signed by myself, Simon But and Robert Anei.

Mr. Solomon Champlain and we signed a letter on August 23 2016, to lease the Rock City compound to UNMISS when he heard that UNIMISS were going to be evicted from their current residence when South Sudan Government ordered them to move away from their offices and all IDPs at Airport side. We have signed so many other documents which I have presented to the court.

The properties of Mr Solomon in South Sudan he declared to us with documents are; Rock City, Jebel Lodge, Nimule Check Point, Kaya Check Point, Natapal Check Point, Yei Packing Area Containing Supermarket, Ware Houses and the land of more than 10,000 acres behind Bilpham at the right side of the Terekeka Road. We have copies of the land titles of all properties I have mentioned. We will publish all the documents we had signed with Mr Solomon in Newspapers and social media.

Coming to the next story, Mr Solomon Chaplain ordered us to evict Mr Karl and Mr Amulya who rented Rock City Hotel and Jebel Lodge Hotels to claim the money of rent and arrears. When we started to do that, National Security appeared with the claim that Rock City is one of the attached properties under a decree of H.E President Salva Kiir Mayardit attaching all properties for those who rebelled against the Government to National Security.

And we were told that Mr Solomon is a rebel and he is also accused of money laundering. We discovered that this was the reason Solomon called us in Kampala and said that there is a big business he is running in Kampala, so, he trusted us to run his business in the Republic of South Sudan. Solomon was hiding his ill intentions from us.

We used the documents we signed with Solomon to convince the National Security that we are partners of the business (Jebel Lodge and Rock City) with Mr Champlain. So, National Security released the Rock City Compound to us to run the business by recognising the papers we signed with Mr Solomon.

We evicted Mr Karl and Mr Amulya in Rock City using all the documents we signed with Solomon through the courts, and our lawyers were there. After evicting these people, Solomon’s enemies, including his brother, came in and fought us. Karl and Amulya knew Solomon’s rebellion while we didn’t know. So they took advantage of us by using some authorities until Mr Amulya arrested Mr Simon But for 35 days and they evacuated all the properties in Jebel Lodge and Rock City while I was under medication in Germany. After Mr Simon But was released, he ran away for an exile because of the case of Rock City until now.

After I came back from Germany, we arrested Amulya and Karl for quiet time to pay the claims of rents and arrears but they were released and taken to Airport by the powerful Authorities connected to the EU ambassador and Ugandan ambassador. Mr Solomon became frustrated when he heard that Amulya and Karl had left the country without paying the money. Immediately, Solomon started sending harsh messages against the government which we disconnected ourselves from him since he had been declared a rebel.

In 2019, Solomon surprised us in the court in Nairobi regarding this case, when we were to reach the verdict, he left that case and open another case in Juba. The judge Moujahid handling the case doesn’t know English and the document we signed with Solomon are written in English in the language of professional lawyers in Uganda with legal terminologies that he doesn’t understand.

The other issue, it took us one and half years in Kenya in the Court proceedings and it’s not yet finished now. And in Juba, it took us a few weeks with few sittings for the Judge to make the final decision despite the huge documents we presented to him. Judge Moujahid Abdella denied the papers we signed with Mr Solomon while they are recognised by the high legal bodies of Uganda, Kenya and South Sudan.

To conclude, we signed an agreement with Solomon on every asset retrieve, we have the percentage according to the value of the property. We have the percentage of the money we retrieved. The business we signed for 10 years is 50/50. In fact, all these assets I mentioned above belong to Solomon and we are demanding our percentage of the retrieved properties according to our agreement.

We demand compensation for the image he exposed to his enemies and the general public. I demand him an apology for trapping us into his wrong deeds. If Mr Solomon fulfils the agreement, we are ready to hand over his properties to him. Besides, I am suspecting elements of corruption in this case because of how procedures have been done.

I have now appealed over this case and I will overturn it soon and not later and Mr Solomon will pay for defaming me on all media platforms.

Cc: All media platforms.

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