
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

In Loving Memory of General Ustaz Isaac Kuac Duoth: A Tribute

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Gen Ustaz Isaac Kuac Duoth

Gen Ustaz Isaac Kuac Duoth

A divine pole has fallen. A great man is no more! A great leader has gone to be with the Lord!

By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan

Friday, 20 October 2023 (PW) —  Today, we gather to remember a remarkable man, General Ustaz Isaac Kuac Duoth, whose legacy continues to illuminate our lives even in his absence. As we bid farewell to this extraordinary leader, let us celebrate the indelible mark he left on our hearts and the profound impact he had on our community.

I first crossed paths with the Late Ustaz Isaac Kuac in 1994 in the tranquil town of Waat, then the heart of Bieh State. At that time, he served as the deputy Education Coordinator and the headteacher of Waat Primary School, a position that showcased his unwavering commitment to education and the betterment of our youth.

He shared his wisdom and expertise with me and others, nurturing a culture of learning and development. His guidance was instrumental in my journey as he assigned me as the head teacher of Waat Primary School, with Ustaz Wany Juet as the school officer, a chapter that defined the path of education in our community.

Under his leadership, we embraced the opportunity for growth when Across, an NGO, organized a rigorous six-week teacher-training course on Teaching Methodology. Ustaz Isaac Kuac and Ustaz Pal Rambang Luoth recognized our potential and recommended me, Wany Juet, Khor Hok Gal, William Tut Diet, and other dedicated educators to attend.

Ustaz Isaac Kuac Duoth’s presence and oversight during this training were a testament to his commitment to our collective progress.

In 1996, the same Organization conducted a TOT (training of trainers) course in Akobo, a venture that united educators from Waat, Nyal, Koc, Mankien, Fangak, and Ayod. Ustaz Isaac Kuac, alongside Ustaz Pal, entrusted me and Wany Kuet to accompany them in this significant undertaking.

The training was a resounding success, and we returned to Waat, armed with newfound knowledge, to impart it to our fellow teachers. Together, we met the expectations set by Across, further strengthening the educational foundation of our region.

With Ustaz Pal’s departure for Ethiopia in 1996, Ustaz Nyang Kuok Duom took over as the State Education Coordinator, with Ustaz Isaac continuing as his deputy, a role he fulfilled with dedication and distinction.

In the summer of 1996, my journey led me to Akobo as the school officer, working alongside Ustaz Banguot Chol Koda, who held the position of head teacher. In 1997, I succeeded Ustaz Banguot in that role, carrying the torch that Ustaz Isaac had ignited.

The year 1998 brought yet another opportunity for growth when RADDA BARNEN, Swedish Save the Children, organized a teacher training program for primary school teachers in Latjor and Bieh States. I, Ustaz Kuac, Wany, John Gai, and Tot Puya were selected as facilitators, a responsibility that we embraced with pride.

In a nutshell, General Ustaz Isaac was a man of modesty, deep faith, and a professional educator. He was a beacon of morality, integrity, and humor, always ready with a joke to brighten the lives of those around him.

Throughout his life, he held various legislative and executive positions in Jonglei State, culminating in his role as the Speaker of the now-defunct Bieh State Legislative Assembly. Additionally, he served with distinction as a senior police General, demonstrating a life lived with purpose and dignity.

As we mourn his passing, let us remember that his memory will forever remain alive in our hearts. May God grant his bereaved family and the Lou Nuer Community the strength to navigate this difficult moment.

Rest in eternal peace, General Ustaz Isaac Kuac Duoth.

Pal Chol Nyan, a medical doctor by profession, is currently based in Juba, South Sudan, and can be reached via email at Pal Chol Nyan <>.

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