
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The 2023 Waat Declaration: Lou Nuer Community Declares Allegiance to President Kiir

5 min read

Recurring Rebellions and Shifting Allegiances in Dr. Riek Machar’s SPLM-IO Threaten the Fragile Peace Agreement in South Sudan.

By PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd.

Saturday, 21 October 2023 (PW) – Recurrent uprisings and fluid loyalties within the ranks of Dr. Riek Machar’s SPLM-IO pose a grave risk to the precarious Revitalized Peace Agreement (R-ARCSS) in South Sudan. On October 7, 2023, the “Thonyoor Declaration” took place in Unity State, during which Gen. Simon Maguek Gai Majak, former SPLM-IO Sector Two Commander, and Maj. Gen. Samuel Dok Wanjang, former SPLM-IO Division 4 Commander, defected to President Kiir’s government, along with Maj. Gen Paul Gatnor Ngundeng, Maj. Gen Bol Duoth Bakham, and Maj. Gen William Dak Gatkuoth Geer.

Following the previous “Kitwang Declaration” by Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual and the recent “Thonyoor Declaration” in Unity State, Maj. Gen. Michael Wal Nyak, SPLM-IO Sector Three Commander in Waat, has declared his allegiance to the South Sudan People’s Defence Forces (SSPDF) and the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) under President Kiir. This “Waat declaration” has raised significant concerns about factional discord within the SPLM-IO and the alleged marginalization of the Lou Nuer community by Dr. Riek Machar, the Vice President of South Sudan and leader of the SPLM-IO.

The SPLM-IO Sector Three command, predominantly deployed in the Greater Lou Nuer region, played a vital role in supporting the SPLM-IO in its quest to militarily unseat President Kiir in South Sudan. Since the outbreak of civil war in 2013, the Lou Nuer community’s contributions to the SPLM-IO’s cause have been significant, with their sons and daughters actively engaged in the movement’s military and political activities.

According to the press statement, it is apparent that the Waat Declaration was orchestrated by Nuer sons around President Kiir who are known political adversaries of Dr. Riek Machar. These individuals include Presidential Security Advisor Hon. Tutkew Gatluak Manimee, Minister of Presidential Affairs Barnaba Marial Benjamin, Jonglei State Governor Denay Jock Chagor, SPLM Secretary General Peter Lam Both, and Lou Nuer Spiritual Leader Dak Kweth Deng.

The Alleged Marginalization of the Lou Nuer Community in the SPLM-IO

The SPLM/A-10’s Waat Declaration outlines several grievances that have compelled them to switch allegiances to the government led by President Salva Kiir. A central concern is the alleged marginalization and neglect of the Lou Nuer community by Dr. Riek Machar and the SPLM-IO leadership. First, Lou Nuer military officers and fighters who sacrificed their lives for the SPLM-IO claim that they have been denied promotions and rank confirmations. This has created a sense of frustration and disillusionment within the community.

Secondly, the Lou Nuer community expected equitable representation and lucrative ministries, such as the Ministry of Petroleum, in the government following the peace agreements. However, these promises remain unfulfilled. Thirdly, despite their significant contributions to the SPLM-IO, the Lou Nuer areas are reported to lack essential services, education, and infrastructure. This neglect has left the community feeling abandoned.

This situation is not without historical context. Dr. Riek Machar has relied on the support of the Lou Nuer community during key moments in South Sudan’s struggle for independence and power. The 1991 Nasir Declaration and the 2013 civil war are examples where the Lou Nuer played a pivotal role in supporting Dr. Machar. However, it appears that once his political goals were achieved, their contributions were forgotten.

Implications for the SPLM-IO and South Sudan

The decision by the Lou Nuer community to switch allegiance is a significant blow to Dr. Riek Machar’s leadership and the SPLM-IO. It reflects deep factional divisions and the failure to address grievances within the movement. The Waat Declaration’s call for greater integration and representation within the government highlights broader concerns about the inclusivity and fairness of the peace process.

For South Sudan, this internal discord within the SPLM-IO is yet another obstacle to the fragile peace agreement and the country’s path towards stability and development. The government, under President Salva Kiir, must now navigate the integration of these former SPLM/A-10 forces and address the legitimate concerns of the Lou Nuer community to prevent further rifts and potential conflict.

In conclusion, the SPLM/A-IO’s Waat Declaration has illuminated the factional discord within the SPLM-IO and the alleged marginalization of the Lou Nuer community. This development serves as a stark reminder of the challenges facing South Sudan as it seeks to establish lasting peace and unity in the wake of years of conflict.

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