
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Rule of Law and its Litmus Test: The Case of Lakes State under Governor Gen. Rin Tueny Mabor

4 min read
Awuol Gabriel Arok Kiir

Awuol Gabriel Arok Kiir

By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan

Thursday, 19 October 2023 (PW) – Rule of Law is the bedrock of a just and harmonious society, safeguarding the path of righteousness against the encroachment of misconduct. In recent years, Lakes State, renowned for its historical significance, found itself mired in a state of bewildering confusion.

Aramweer, or Buorat, with its headquarters in Rumbek, has long been associated with Rumbek Senior and served as the pivotal hub following its liberation in 1997 until 2005. Lakes State, comprising eight counties, occupies a unique position within South Sudan due to its central geography and reservoir of talent. Aramweer, known locally, has nurtured intellectuals and leaders who have left an indelible mark within its borders and beyond.

Aramweer is a treasure trove of culture, boasting social, economic, and political achievements that rival the best in South Sudan. However, a few tumultuous years threatened to cast this beautiful region adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

Enter General Rin Tueny Mabor, who, with humility and unwavering principles, assumed the role of governor. With confidence, pride, and poise, he embarked on a challenging journey to Rumbek, the state’s capital, after his appointment. What unfolded in Lakes State following his arrival was nothing short of a resounding triumph and a historic turning point.

Appointed on June 8, 2021, Gen. Rin Tueny pledged to put an end to the longstanding cattle-related and inter-communal conflicts that had plagued the state for years. He emphasized that his mission was twofold: to protect the people and their properties, combining his military and professional responsibilities.

In any society, recognizing and appreciating exemplary work can enhance social cohesion and progress. Citizens bear the responsibility of acknowledging accomplishments and supporting developmental initiatives. Under Gen. Rin Tueny Mabor’s leadership, Lakes State established special courts to address communal violence and cattle raiding cases.

The people of Lakes State deserve commendation for their resolutions, which they entrusted to Governor Gen. Rin Tueny Mabor for execution. Gen. Rin swiftly delegated this mission to the Chiefs, recognizing them as the pillars of strength and executors of customary law. They were tasked with eradicating detrimental practices such as revenge killings, cattle raiding, child abduction, and child marriage from the public sphere.

Punishments for misconduct, cultural guidance, and resolution of disputes, including dowry payments, various forms of restitution, blood compensation, and land disputes, are areas where the Chiefs can significantly contribute to promoting community peace.

The youth of Lakes State were not neglected in Gen. Rin’s commitment to peace. Voluntary disarmament was prioritized, leading to a shift in focus from conflict to constructive projects, including community road construction, investments in community centers, communal farming, the formation of local cooperative societies, and youth clubs dedicated to peace and various initiatives.

During the 5th Governor Forum, President of South Sudan H.E. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit expressed his high regard for Governor Gen. Rin Tueny Mabor’s efforts in restoring stability and peace in Lakes State and its surroundings.

Congratulations to the people of Lakes State. Kudos and salutations to Gen. Rin Tueny Mabor and his government for their remarkable achievements.

A special commendation goes to the President of the Republic of South Sudan, H.E. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, for his discerning appointment of Gen. Rin Tueny Mabor.

The author, Awuol Gabriel Arok, is a Policy Analyst and Poet. He holds an IMPA from Tsinghua University in China and a Bachelor’s Degree in Developmental Studies from the University of Juba in South Sudan. He is a former columnist with The Dawn Newspaper, where he wrote through a column called “The Motivation Bell.” He has also authored an unpublished book titled “The Wisdom Horn” and contributes to various websites and social media platforms, advocating for socio-economic development and contemporary political issues through peaceful campaigns. Some of his notable initiatives include “Your Tribe is My Tribe,” “Giving Heart Foundation,” “Wisdom Testament,” “Classic Leadership Forum,” “Grace the Women Foundation,” and “PeaceNet.” For contact, reach him via email:

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