Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Bola Tinubu’s eight months of renewed shege

As the curtain rises on this political drama, one cannot help but notice the glaring inconsistencies and comedic missteps that have characterised Bola Tinubu’s performance so far.

• March 12, 2024
Bola Tinubu and poor Nigerian masses
Bola Tinubu and poor Nigerian masses

In the grand theatre of governance, every administration is handed a script delineating its roles and responsibilities. For the Tinubu administration, tasked with the stewardship of Nigeria’s fate, the playbook outlines three pivotal areas for evaluation: monetary policy and economic management, national security, and foreign relations. 

As the curtain rises on this political drama, one cannot help but notice the glaring inconsistencies and comedic missteps that have characterised the performance thus far.

Let us commence our critique with a glance at the Tinubu administration’s handling of monetary policy. In this realm, the government has showcased a talent for fiscal folly that would make even the most reckless spendthrift blush with embarrassment. 

The naira, once a stalwart symbol of national pride, now flounders in the turbulent waters of economic mismanagement, battered and bruised by the whims of inept decision-makers. The administration’s penchant for borrowing from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) with reckless abandon has rendered the national currency more vulnerable than a house of cards in a hurricane.

In a rare moment of candour, even the administration’s own CBN chief, Yemi Cardoso, was compelled to break ranks and sound the alarm on the government’s wanton disregard for fiscal responsibility. 

Indeed, Cardoso’s public outcry served as a damning indictment of the administration’s reckless borrowing practices, which have pushed the Naira to the brink of collapse.

Adding insult to injury, the decision to float the naira without the requisite foreign reserves resembles nothing short of a harebrained scheme concocted by a bumbling amateur.

Without robust foreign exchange earnings to bolster its defences, the naira finds itself woefully ill-equipped to navigate the treacherous waters of the global financial landscape. 

One cannot help but wonder if the administration mistook governance for a game of football, for even in the realm of sports, a team without a competent reserve bench is destined for failure.

Transitioning from monetary policy to national economic management, one is greeted by a tableau of somnolence and indifference. 

From the moment the administration declared the demise of the petroleum subsidy regime, Nigerians have been subjected to a relentless barrage of economic hardship while Mr Tinubu and his team slumber in blissful ignorance. 

As the populace grapples with skyrocketing prices and dwindling purchasing power, the Tinubu government remains conspicuously absent, as if caught in the throes of a perpetual siesta-more so that the Tinubu government sees sleepless nights as a badge of honour, while a good night’s rest is dismissed as a luxury reserved for the weak.

Turning our attention to matters of national security, the Tinubu administration’s performance resembles a tragicomedy of errors, replete with plot twists that defy logic and coherence. 

In eight months, the administration has managed to unravel the fragile tapestry of security painstakingly woven by its predecessors, ushering in an era of chaos and lawlessness unseen in recent memory. The once tranquil landscapes of peace have been transformed into battlegrounds, where bandits roam with impunity, and students fall prey to ruthless kidnap-for-ransom syndicates.

Yet, amidst this unfolding tragedy, the Tinubu administration remains steadfast in its commitment to ineptitude, offering little more than empty platitudes and hollow promises in response to the burgeoning crisis. 

As communities reel under the weight of fear and uncertainty, the government’s deafening silence serves as a grim reminder of its abject failure to fulfil its most basic duty: ensuring the safety and security of its citizens.

Finally, we come to the realm of foreign relations, where the Tinubu administration’s performance borders on the farcical. In a stunning display of diplomatic incompetence, Nigeria’s once-proud stature as a regional powerhouse has been reduced to a mere shadow of its former glory. 

Within the corridors of power, our nation’s voice echoes with all the resonance of a damp squib as our leaders peddle laughable fabrications in a desperate bid to salvage their tattered reputation.

To make matters worse, the Tinubu administration has yet to articulate a coherent foreign policy agenda, leaving our nation adrift in a sea of uncertainty and confusion. With each diplomatic excursion yielding little more than empty-handed returns, one cannot help but wonder if our leaders are merely playing at governance as children lost in a game they do not understand.

In conclusion, the Tinubu administration’s performance can best be described as a tragicomedy of errors characterised by ineptitude, incompetence, and a conspicuous lack of vision.

From its mishandling of monetary policy to its abject failure in the realms of national security and foreign relations, the administration has proven itself to be a masterclass in governance gone awry. 

The author is an adviser to Nigerian opposition leader Atiku Abubakar

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