Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Man laments in court after wife eloped with another to UK

The woman absconded to the UK and left her two children with her mother.

• August 11, 2021
Court room
Courtroom used to tell the story

A 40-year-old transporter, Muri Olashiyan, has been granted a divorce from his wife on the grounds that his wife absconded with another man to the UK.

The president of the Igando Customary Court in Lagos, Adeniyi Koledoye, on Wednesday, dissolved the union between Mr Olashiyan and his wife Monisola.

Mr Olashiyan had, on December 15, 2020, approached the court to end his 11-year-old marriage, accusing his wife of abandoning her matrimonial home and eloping with another man to London.

“My wife and I never had any misunderstanding or dispute. We both talked excitedly and she even cooked for me that morning before I left for work.

“When I returned from work, I did not see her nor the children.

“I tried her phone, but it was switched off. The third day, I rushed to my mother-in-law’s house to inform her of my wife and children’s disappearance, but I found my children with her.

“I later discovered that she had travelled out of the country with her lover,” the petitioner told the court.

The embattled husband claimed that Ms Monisola’s mother aided her to abandon their matrimonial home and abscond with the man just because he was facing financial difficulty.

According to Mr Olashiyan, his mother-in-law denied him access to his children.

“Despite collecting money from me regularly for the children’s upkeep, my mother-in-law does not allow me to see them.

“I have been to her house several times with my family members and friends, begging her to allow me to see my children, but she refused,” he said.

The petitioner, therefore, pleaded with the court to terminate his marriage with his wife and grant him custody of their two children.

The respondent, who was duly notified of the suit against her, was not in court and did not send any legal representative.

“The court hereby pronounces the marriage between Mr Muri Olashiyan and Mrs Monisola Olashiyan dissolved today.

“Both of you henceforth cease to be husband and wife.

“Each of you should go on his or her separate ways unmolested. The court wishes both of you well in your future endeavours.

“The custody of the two children, age 10 and eight, is granted to their father since their mother, who is in a better position to take care of them, is out of the country,” Mr Koledoye said.

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