InVEST documentation

InVEST User Guide


Editors: Richard Sharp, James Douglass, Stacie Wolny.

Contributing Authors: Katie Arkema, Joey Bernhardt, Will Bierbower, Nicholas Chaumont, Douglas Denu, James Douglass, David Fisher, Kathryn Glowinski, Robert Griffin, Gregory Guannel, Anne Guerry, Cyrus Guerry-Lawler, Justin Johnson, Perrine Hamel, Christina Kennedy, Chong-Ki Kim, Martin Lacayo, Eric Lonsdorf, Lisa Mandle, Lauren Rogers, Richard Sharp, Jess Silver, Jodie Toft, Gregory Verutes, Adrian L. Vogl, Stacie Wolny, Spencer Wood, Katherine Wyatt.

Citation: Sharp, R., Douglass, J., Wolny, S., Arkema, K., Bernhardt, J., Bierbower, W., Chaumont, N., Denu, D., Fisher, D., Glowinski, K., Griffin, R., Guannel, G., Guerry, A., Johnson, J., Hamel, P., Kennedy, C., Kim, C.K., Lacayo, M., Lonsdorf, E., Mandle, L., Rogers, L., Silver, J., Toft, J., Verutes, G., Vogl, A. L., Wood, S, and Wyatt, K. 2020, InVEST 3.9.2 User’s Guide. The Natural Capital Project, Stanford University, University of Minnesota, The Nature Conservancy, and World Wildlife Fund.

Introduction and Getting Started

InVEST Models

Supporting Ecosystem Services

Final Ecosystem Services

Urban Ecosystem Services

Tools to Facilitate Ecosystem Service Analyses

Supporting Tools
