All you'll need is love, in the Greenpeace field

Last edited 13 June 2003 at 8:00am
Love at Glastonbury 2002

Love at Glastonbury 2002

Greenpeace has formed a partnership with The Guardian's "Soulmates" to once again offer the Glastonbury hordes a shot at love and the chance to find lost friends.

Festival goers who visit the legendary Greenpeace Field will be able to register on a database to meet their destiny or just hook up with mates they've lost in the throng. If the thunderbolt strikes they can feed romance over an organic meal, wrap ropes on a climbing rig, or take a solar-powered shower together and work up a lather with bio-degradable soap.

With 120,000 people swarming over the festival, losing your pals is always a problem. But a visit to Soulmates in the Greenpeace Field allows revellers to leave messages and arrange meetings, as well as seek love with strangers.

And if life-long commitment is then declared, lovers can plan for the future in our enchanted garden - by night a quiet haven of sound and light, by day the sight for workshops on organic gardening and bio-diversity.

So in these times of strife, take a bite out of life in the Greenpeace Field at Glastonbury. Because romance isn't dead, it's just been chilling in a field in Somerset.

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