
Every action counts – and online campaign actions like signing a petition, emailing a friend, or sharing an image helps build a movement of people campaigning for a green and peaceful world.

Big companies and politicians pay attention to petitions, emails in their inboxes and posts on Facebook that mention them. Lots of people taking simple actions can change the world – and you don’t have to climb a smoke stack to help win campaigns with Greenpeace. Please take action today

London to Windsor cycle challenge

Bike Events

A range of cycling events organised by the company Bike Events.


Combining the iconic London to Brighton route with the unique sensation of night cycling; a mass participation night cycle open to riders of mixed abilities and paces; the thrill of riding on deserted roads illuminated only by torchlight; accomplished cyclists aim to complete the course in under four hours, others take a more leisurely pace!

Cycletta - various dates available

Cycletta is the UK’s leading series of women only bike rides set in stunning, family friendly host venues. Congratulations to everyone who took part in Cycletta Wiltshire on Sunday 24th June and who helped make the day such a success! Don’t forget there are plenty more events to choose from this year so don’t miss out on the action and enter Cycletta now.

Challenge events

We have cycle challenges, trekking events and even a sailing option - all within the UK or France, through our partners Discover Adventure & Across the Divide. We are looking for teams of dedicated, passionate eco-athletes who are up for a challenge that is all of their own.
Greenpeace runners at the Brighton Marathon

Other sporting events

If you have a place for another running, swimming or any sporting event and would like to raise money for Greenpeace, please let us know.
justgiving bmycharity virgin money giving

Getting sponsored

We have signed up with online sponsorship sites JustGiving, B my charity and Virgin money giving to make raising money for your event easier.

Find volunteer events in your area

We have a network of volunteer groups around the country who campaign on the high street, lobbying MPs, talk to businesses and fundraise for Greenpeace. Look for events in your area or join a local meeting to find out more about what you can do in your area.

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