X Games champion Bob Burnquist joins Greenpeace in the Amazon

Last edited 2 September 2002 at 8:00am
Xgames skateboard champion Bob Burnquist  wife Jennifer shows their support for Greenpeace's forests campaign

Xgames skateboard champion Bob Burnquist wife Jennifer shows their support for Greenpeace's forests campaign

X Games Skateboard Champion Bob Burnquist and his wife Jennifer joined us at the Ecosystem festival in the Amazon - to support the Greenpeace campaign to save the world's last remaining ancient forests.

Bob and Jennifer opened the world's first Half-pipe skateboard ramp, built from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified timber.

Bob and Jennifer Burnquist were there to create awareness of the threat to the world's ancient forests to millions of skateboarders worldwide ... and most importantly to show that there is a solution - always ask for FSC certified wood products.

"We're stoked to be here and the crowd are stoked too. All people need is good information and something simple they can do in their everyday lives so they can make a difference,

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