Glastonbury tickets sell out in record time

Last edited 4 April 2005 at 8:00am
Greenpeace field: Glastonbury 2003

Greenpeace field: Glastonbury 2003

Tickets for Glastonbury Festival have sold out in record time again this year. Greenpeace does not have any tickets for sale, and the festival organisers are clamping down on anyone trying to sell on their ticket for profit so please be wary of touts and auction websites. Congratulations to everyone who got a ticket and we look forward to seeing you there!

Volunteering at Glastonbury
Greenpeace organises volunteers to help run the Greenpeace field at Glastonbury. As you can imagine, running such a huge fun-packed field is hard work and not for the faint-hearted! Our volunteers make the Greenpeace field the success that it is, and we rely on their commitment to Greenpeace and passion for the festival. We therefore give priority to volunteers who are personally known to us, who have helped out before, and who are known to be reliable. Our Active Supporters Unit will be getting in touch with these people in the next few weeks and we have no further vacancies. Sorry!

If you are interested in volunteering for Greenpeace at other festivals then please sign up in the Get active section of our website and play an active part in our campaigns from now on.

For other jobs at Glastonbury, such as litter picking or stewarding, please visit the Festival website at or

Finally, to remind you, tickets for Glastonbury have now sold out and there are none for sale on the day. So, if you haven't got a ticket, don't go!



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