Leading authors take the pledge

Last edited 3 October 2003 at 8:00am

Save or Delete - Promoting solutions to ancient forest destruction

Some of the UK's largest publishing houses are unwittingly printing books on paper sourced from the world's last remaining ancient forests. Leading UK authors, including Philip Pullman and Helen Fielding, have just vowed to make sure their books are printed on "ancient forest friendly" paper in future.

The authors are supporting our campaign to "green" the publishing industry. The Save or Delete book campaign, launched in London on 3rd October, also has the support of illustrator Quentin Blake and the Writers Guild of Great Britain.

The following authors have "taken the pledge" to ensure their future books are printed on recycled and/or FSC paper:

  • Charlotte Binghan
  • Ben Elton
  • Helen Fielding
  • Anne Fine
  • John King
  • Andy McNab
  • John O'Farrell
  • Maggie O'Farrell
  • Philip Pullman
  • Ian Rankin
  • J K Rowling
  • William Sutcliffe
  • Joanna Trollope
  • Penny Vincenzi

Book publishers are among the largest paper procurers in the UK, printing by and large on virgin (non-recycled) paper, and thus creating demand for wood pulp from ancient forests in Scandinavia, Canada, Russia and South-East Asia.

Greenpeace believes the author's pledge can help shift this demand to FSC certified and recycled paper. To make the transition easier, we've provided a step-by-step procurement guide for publishers.

The UK book campaign follows a Canadian initiative that began in 2000. Since then, 35 Canadian publishers have stopped using paper sourced from ancient forests. This hugely successful initiative created an unprecedented demand for recycled and FSC certified paper.

JK Rowling was the first author to complete the pledge. The Canadian edition of her book Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was printed on 100% chlorine-free, post-consumer (recycled) paper, saving an astounding 39,320 trees.

This example alone shows the powerful contribution the publishing industry can make in the campaign to save the world's ancient forests.

Quentin Blake, famous for his illustrations of Roald Dahl's books, created an original graphic for the campaign, which has been reproduced on special bookmarks.

Visit www.saveordelete.com for more information.

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