Pitchshifter on tour

Last edited 28 August 2002 at 8:00am


"Another fetish we've developed is hurling our shoes into the crowd at the end of a gig"

Lead singer J.S. Clayden speaks to Greenpeace about song-writing, the environmental front-line, and Pitchshifter's upcoming tour...

GP: How would you describe your music?
JS: That's always a tough one. The idea of Pitchshifter since day one has been to blend conventional instruments (bass, drums, guitars) with electronica (break beats, samples, synth bass lines). I guess we're 'digitally enhanced rock music'? Impossible to tell. Go to the 'A/V' section of our website and check out an MP3 for yourself!

GP: Who do you sing for?
JS: I sing for myself. That sounds selfish reading it back, but we all have to do what we have to do in this world. We have to be comfortable with what we do and feel fulfilled by it. It

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