Science and society

Last edited 28 May 2002 at 8:00am
Science debate 3: panel

Science debate 3: panel

Science and technology are fast becoming the most powerful forces in society today - allowing us to change our appearance or personality, control our reproductive fate, communicate online, genetically modify food, clone human beings... And the frontiers of biotechnology, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence are getting weirder and wilder by the day.

So who decides what is right and what is wrong? How do we define what is natural now? Is most funding just fuelling corporate agendas outside our control?

Transforming Science: a matter of public involvement
Greenpeace believes the progress of science should be open to democratic debate. Read our manifesto for a new contract between science, business and society here!

New Scientist & Greenpeace science debates
New Scientist and Greenpeace regularly disagree. But when it comes to the impact of science and technology on our lives, we are of one mind: without real dialogue none of us will be able make real choices on these key issues. So we teamed up to run a series of debates, held at The Royal Institution

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