Welcome to the Global Whales Action Team!

Last edited 22 February 2002 at 9:00am

Welcome to the Global Whales Action Team!

Greenpeace attempt to stop transfer of recently ki

We hope you enjoyed the Bryan Adams gig, and that you're sending off your postcard to Jack Straw. Now, it's time to get more involved.

Whaling is coming back unless we act!
It's as simple as that. The Japanese Fisheries agency has been running a high profile campaign, to swing the balance of votes within the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and bring back full-scale commercial whaling. Japan has already bought the votes of several developing nations, using the promise of Overseas Development Aid. At the next IWC meeting - at the Japanese port of Shimonoseki in May - they may finally gain enough support to overturn the ban on commercial whaling imposed in 1986.

Bryan Adams in support of the Whaling campaign Bryan Adams
Commercial whaling is one of the most environmentally destructive industries of all time, taking many species to the brink of extinction. We can't allow it to return. We have to persuade the UK and international governments to take action against Japanese vote buying and to protect our whales permanently.

School of whales Minke whales
We need YOU!
Bryan Adams has been supporting us for over a decade. Thousands of other volunteers have already signed up and taken part in a series of global action days. But we need more support, to be sure of success. You can make a real difference to this campaign.

Join us now!
Become a cyber-activist and make an immediate difference to the state of the planet! All you have to do is provide your email address. We'll send you regular campaign updates and find ways for you to get involved.

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