You've saved the festival ... now green up your act

Last edited 29 May 2003 at 8:00am
Fish man at Glastonbury 2002

Fish man at Glastonbury 2002

Glastonbury festival goers saved the 2003 event by listening when the organisers asked you not to come to the 2002 event without a ticket.

If the 2002 event caused problems with the locals because of overcrowding, this year's festival would not be going ahead.

But there was a different type of trouble in 2002.

The organisers were prosecuted because so many people relieved themselves in the area surrounding the river, causing it to become polluted. This year, don't piss away the future of the festival.

Keep it clean, keep it green - and keep it going
As well as river pollution, Glastonbury 2003 faces other environmental issues, apart from river pollution. The environment is close to the hearts and minds of all at Greenpeace. So we're asking you to "green up your act" at Glastonbury 2003.

Please keep Worthy Farm clean, green and beautiful:

  • Only use the toilets and urinals provided
  • Don't put any rubbish in the toilets
  • Put litter in its place - Bag It, Bin It, Recycle It
  • Don't burn rubbish
  • Don't wash under running taps or leave taps on
  • Don't spray graffitti

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