An end to new oil explorations

Posted by admin — 10 August 1999 at 8:00am - Comments

Climate change dictates that we cannot meet our energy needs by tapping new supplies of fossil fuels. We need to phase out the use of oil, coal and gas and make a switch to clean renewable energy.

If we are to prevent dangerous levels of climate change we cannot afford to burn more than one-quarter of the global oil reserves. The search for new oil reserves is not just illogical, it is insane. Any new oil found would simply add to the stockpile of oil we can never safely use.

The fragile frontiers of Alaska and the Atlantic Frontier where this exploration is taking place should be left as wilderness areas for the diversity of species that inhabit them.

Our energy needs can be met by wind, wave and solar power. The determination and resources targeted by Governments and industry towards new oil explorations should instead be redirected to renewable power. The cost of less than three weeks oil exploration and development (550 million US Dollars) would reduce the cost of solar by 80%.


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