Glastonbury: skating, soulmates and carbon dating

Posted by jamie — 13 June 2007 at 11:37am - Comments

A skateboarder rides an FSC ramp at Glastonbury in 2005So, we've covered the Techno-Dome and some of the highlights in the Greenpeace field. Let's see - what else have we got lined up for Glastonbury?

If you've ever wondered what your carbon footprint looks like, you can get your own carbon calculator installed on your mobile at the Bluetooth Takeaway. The Centre for Alternative Technology will be offering them to download via Bluetooth.

Then you can stroll over to the Guardian Soulmates for some 'carbon' dating. They'll match you a mate with some speed dating and carbon mating. There'll be dancing and cabaret in the evenings between 8pm and 10pm, and if you get serious we'll 'marry' you on Sunday afternoon for a year and a day, just like in the fairy tales.

We're building a new FSC skate ramp this year to showcase timber certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, courtesy of B&Q. On Thursday, we'll join the international go-skate day with skate lessons in the morning, a warm up session in the afternoon, and a skate jam (sounds painful) in the evening that will include Ross McGauran, Greg Nowick and Bob Sanderson.

We'll also have lessons every morning (we'll provide the boards and the safety equipment), open sessions during the day and about an hour of pro sessions in the afternoon.

If you want to arm yourself with more information, head to the Greenpeace Ark where you'll be able to talk to Greenpeace volunteers, check out our exhibition and watch films about the solutions to climate change. They do exist, we can make it happen, we just need to make politicians listen and take action.

Before you leave the field, be sure to stop by the Ken Sara Wiwa bus created by Nigerian-born artist Sokari Douglas Camp as a living memorial for Ken and the brave campaigners in Nigeria who were killed by the government for protesting Shell's population in their Ogoni homelands.

Right next door, you'll find the Action Aid Asian village where you'll see how climate change is affecting the developing world and how communities in Bangladesh are adapting to sea level rise.

And, of course, you'll be able to sign up to the Count campaign at Glastonbury, to take action to stop climate chaos.

With all of this and more going on in our field, you'll find something that sparks your desire to take action for climate change and walk away with more than just good memories. Hopefully you'll find the inspiration to make the world outside Glastonbury a little more worthy as well.

There's just over a week to go, so please come say hello when you get there (leaving your car at home, of course!).

And if you don't have tickets yet, don't panic! Enter our online photo and video contest at!

About Jamie

I'm a forests campaigner working mainly on Indonesia. My personal mumblings can be found @shrinkydinky.

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