It's a Facebook face-off for free Glastonbury tickets

Posted by jamie — 23 May 2008 at 5:05pm - Comments

Win Glastonbury tickets with our Facebook application

Want a cheap (ie free) way of getting into Glastonbury, but our skateboarding competition isn't your bag? Your luck may very well be in and all you have to do is send a message to your friends on Facebook - what could be easier?

We have another six pairs of tickets to give away and to enter, you'll need to add our Greener Glastonbury Giveaway application to your Facebook profile. Earn points by inviting your friends into the competition as well, and you can earn bonus points by becoming a fan of our Facebook page. (If you're already a fan, your bonus points will be automatically added!) You'll only be able to invite 16 friends each day so a rudimentary strategy is going to be required, but the six people with the most points will win a pair of tickets.

You've got until Sunday 15 June, so if you want to get your hands on a free pair install the application now. The full festival line-up has been announced and if you don't have a Facebook profile, tickets are still available.

About Jamie

I'm a forests campaigner working mainly on Indonesia. My personal mumblings can be found @shrinkydinky.

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