
Posted by lisa-cave — 9 April 2009 at 10:31am - Comments
Lisa writes the latest  blog relay post - our whistle-stop tour to introduce you to Greenpeace staff in the UK. Click here to catch up on the other entries.

Moonlighting: Lisa 'two jobs' Weatherly

My official job at Greenpeace is in supporter services, working with Chris and Graham, and seeing first hand the wonderful donations, letters and e-mails that arrive at Canonbury Villas each day.

Currently, though, I'm moonlighting in the active supporters unit, helping our incredible teams of volunteers across the UK who give their time, energy and boundless enthusiasm (in ways that constantly amaze me) to Greenpeace and our campaigning.

This weekend I was acting as the "Airplot traffic control centre" - co-ordinating our networkers. They were busy at festivals, market places and on the streets talking about our aviation campaign and inspiring new people to support Greenpeace and become beneficial owners of Airplot, our piece of land in the middle of the proposed third runway site at Heathrow airport.

After a hard week at work I cannot thank enough the active supporters who lifted my spirits with their tales from the high street (including the big brain costume from Camden, the Airplot garden in Edinburgh and the sunflowers at Manchester's Big Green Festival, to name but a few) and the 1,500+ people who joined Airplot this weekend.

Like many people here I lead a double life, using the skills I've learned at or brought to Greenpeace to help other campaigns and activities. Environmentalism goes hand in hand with social justice, so when my work here is done you'll find me shop-stewarding for Unite, taking part in the Tax Credit Casualties campaign, supporting the Terrence Higgins Trust, making red cakes for Comic Relief, fun running for health charities, and being step-mom to Matthew and Keir and "Auntie Lisa" to Katie, Jo and Alex - the five main reasons why I want a green and peaceful future.

Because it did not follow our house rules.

Because it did not follow our house rules.

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