Wanted: new volunteers to fight forces of darkness

Posted by jamie — 1 March 2010 at 2:23pm - Comments

I spent yesterday in the company of around 100 Greenpeace supporters discussing plans and ideas for the next 12 months or so. It was the annual get-together of the key volunteers who keep our nationwide network of supporters motivated and informed about our campaign work. These are the people who donate their time and skills, and as always I came away amazed (not to say reinvigorated) by their commitment and enthusiasm for what Greenpeace does.

We're always looking for new recruits to join the active supporter network and help fight the forces of darkness because the list of tasks is long and varied - everything from writing letters to local MPs to talking about our campaigns with people on the high street. Would you be interested?

To get a flavour of an active supporter's life, watch the short video above in which some old hands explain what drives them to be involved with Greenpeace. Then find the group closest to you and see what they're up to. The good news is that most groups tend to hold their meetings in the pub.

Tongue is firmly in cheek. But how better to describe those fossil fuel companies or multinational conglomerates who are so determined (deliberately or not) to really screw everything up?

web editor

How about forces of slightly unhelpful greyness?

Or go old skool and stick to 'reactionaries'

Or counter progressive?




Tongue is firmly in cheek. But how better to describe those fossil fuel companies or multinational conglomerates who are so determined (deliberately or not) to really screw everything up? web editor gpuk

How about forces of slightly unhelpful greyness?

Or go old skool and stick to 'reactionaries'

Or counter progressive?




About Jamie

I'm a forests campaigner working mainly on Indonesia. My personal mumblings can be found @shrinkydinky.

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