Argyll and the Islands Enterprise

Posted by bex — 27 August 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Islay wave bus logo

Islay wave bus logo

What is Argyll and the Islands Enterprise (AIE)?
Argyll and the Islands Enterprise is the local enterprise company. AIE is part of the Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) network which consists of a strategic office based in Inverness and 10 local enterprise companies. HIE is the government economic development agency for northern Scotland, including Argyll.

What are AIE's objectives?
AIE's objectives are to build individual skills and employability, develop strong and confident communities and foster competitive businesses. AIE directly employs over 20 full time equivalent staff, along with a variable number of fixed term contract personnel. Partnerships are crucial to achieving economic success and AIE works with a number of partners, including the local authorities both of Argyll and Bute and North Ayrshire, the local area tourist boards, and community groups - including Islay Development Company.

AIE and Renewable Energy AIE views renewable energy as a key development sector for the area. For example, as well as supporting Islay Energy projects, AIE attracted Vestas to Campbeltown (a Danish wind-turbine manufacturer and world leader in renewable energies). Argyll and the Islands now hosts many renewable energy projects, including wind farms and wave machines, and the local enterprise company is keen to facilitate more innovative projects.

For further information on how AIE can assist renewable energy or other development projects, please contact:

Murdina Macdonald
Deputy Chief Executive
Argyll and the Islands Enterprise
The Enterprise Centre
PA31 8SH
United Kingdom


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