LIVE: we've scaled and occupied Cairn's Arctic rig

Posted by jamess — 22 April 2011 at 7:03am - Comments
by. Credit: Greenpeace

UPDATE: Force 7 gales have forced the activists down from the rig and to safety. But the campaign continues - stay tuned.

It's the only rig on the planet that is destined to begin new deep sea drilling in the Arctic this year.

Cairn Energy's Leiv Eiriksson is on its way to Baffin Bay, Greenland, leading the new oil rush.

This morning at 5.40 local time, a handful of our volunteers intercepted the rig shortly after it left Besiktas near Istanbul in Turkey.

For Cairn's boss Bill Gammell, Arctic drilling's a game. A gamble. He said a few weeks ago that drilling in the Arctic was "like going to the casino".

That's nothing short of outrageous.

While our activists are occupying Bill Gammell's rig, you can really help by spreading the word. Full details below the live feed.

What's at stake. We need to protect the Arctic

How you can help

With most of the UK busy enjoying two long weekends and a royal wedding, Bill Gammell is hoping his Arctic drilling plans will pass silently by.

We can't let that happen.

Here's whole bunch of things you can do (from bloggers to holidaymakers) to help build the momentum we need to keep the Arctic off limits to oil drillers like BP and Cairn Energy.

If you're on Facebook:

If you're on Twitter:

  • We'll be posting using #arctic as a hashtag for the moment.
  • Let people know what you think, let us know what you think (we're on @greenpeaceuk), get vocal and passionate

If you have a website/blog:

  • Embed our live coverage of the Arctic action on your website. Copy and paste this code into your page: 
    • <iframe src='' width='600' height='800' frameborder='0' style='border: 1px solid #000'></iframe>
  • Post the action pictures
  • Post our Arctic pictures
  • Write about what's going on, make sure your readers know how you feel
  • Ask us questions. you can always drop us a tweet with any questions on @greenpeaceuk and we'll get back to you as soon as we can
  • If you don't blog, why not set one up? Wordpress, Blogger and Tumblr are easy options.
  • Let us know what you're up to. if you do write/post anything tweet us and we'll point other people to your site

And finally, If you're on holiday:

Talk about it. Tell the person sitting next to you on the train. Or the person selling you ice-cream. Or the barman pulling you a pint.

Whoever it is, let them know how you feel - Arctic drilling is an outrage, and it has to stop. 

More information on Cairn and Arctic drilling:

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