Making noise about the climate change bill

Posted by bex — 4 May 2007 at 12:38pm - Comments

Icount logoIt’s been a while since we’ve mentioned I Count, the Stop Climate Chaos campaign. But, since the campaign launched last year, the folks there have been busily working to inspire people to take much-needed action on climate change, with everything from I Count in the Square to the I Count clothes swap.

This week, they’ve turned their attention to the climate change bill, which is due to become law next year. As it stands at the moment, the government’s targets for reducing UK emissions don’t go far enough (they say 60 per cent reductions by 2050). On top of that, emissions from air travel – the fastest growing source of emissions in the UK - are left out of the targets altogether, allowing the aviation industry to keep pumping greenhouse gases into the skies unfettered.

Those clever folk at the Tyndall Centre have done the maths on this: if aviation emissions keep rising at predicted levels, emissions from every other sector would have to drop to zero if the UK is to meet the government’s 2050 targets.

I Count isn’t planning on letting the government get away with this slippery bit of sidestepping. They’re asking people to write to the government demanding that aviation emissions are included in the bill, and that the targets more meaningful. You can do your bit here (if you haven't already, you'll need to quickly sign up to I Count first).

The UK, as one of the leading industrialized nations is about to take unilateral action to pass into law legislation that will control our national CO2 emissions.

This is massive and a unique opportunity in the battle against climate change, the chance for ordinary UK citizens to do something. We haven’t had such a golden opportunity to influence government policy since the Kyoto process (1992-1997)

And you have until June 12th to make your voice heard, so check out the DEFRA consultation website and shout loudly. Your voice counts.

See here

If we get this climate change bill right, then the world will follow us.

Thanks for posting the link, emptyhand - the more, the merrier!

web editor

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