A nice bit of schadenfreude in the morning

Posted by bex — 14 December 2007 at 2:47pm - Comments

For environmentalists partial to a mild bit of schadenfreude over their tea and toast, this morning's Today Programme was a treat. You can listen to it here, if you're quick (Fiona and farnishk, I think you'll like John Humphreys' stance).

Environment minister Hilary Benn was invited on to talk about how things have been going in Bali (not so well). As Benn waxed lyrical about the urgent need for action to reduce emissions, Humphreys pulled him up on the yawning gap between the government's rhetoric and reality, what with the government wanting to build new runways and all. Then he pulled him up again. And again. And again. And again. It was a little like listening to a kitten being mauled by a teddy bear.

Benn didn't really have an answer - there isn't much you can say when your government's policies so blatantly put the lie to your words. A few weeks back, Malcolm Wicks found himself in the same position when Paxman pointed out that , for all his fine words, the government still plans to build the first new coal fired power station in the UK in 30 years.

With Humphreys and Paxman on the case, it looks as though politicians are going to have to start walking the walk on climate change if they want to keep talking the talk.

Cheers for that - I especially liked the 26'25" intervention :-)


Cheers for that - I especially liked the 26'25" intervention :-) Bex gpuk

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