Greenpeace Blog

Slideshow: polar bears on parade

Posted by jamie — 27 February 2012 at 4:21pm - Comments

There never really needs to be an excuse to look at incredible images of polar bears in the wild, but today has been designated International Polar Bear Day by conservation group Polar Bear International. So to mark the occasion, here's a selection of shots from the Greenpeace archives.

Arctic Sunrise captures EU trawlers plundering West African seas

Posted by Willie — 27 February 2012 at 9:30am - Comments

Our ship, the Arctic Sunrise is currently in Mauritanian waters, to highlight the problems of overfishing emptying African seas. Vast factory-style fishing boats are trawling out fish at an alarming rate and decimating local ecosystems and livelihoods in the process.

Scandalous sentences for Scottish skippers

Posted by Willie — 24 February 2012 at 5:50pm - Comments

Organised crime seems to pay quite handsomely, especially if you manage to be part of a profession that seems to be beyond reproach. That can surely be the only conclusion to draw from the group of 17 fishermen who were fined a mere £720 thousand in court today for an overfishing scam that effectively stole £63 MILLION of fish from our seas.

Breaking: Lucy Lawless and Greenpeace climbers board Arctic-bound Shell oil drillship

Posted by bex — 23 February 2012 at 8:26pm - Comments

LIVE: Greenpeace activists are taking direct action against Shell's plans to drill the Arctic for oil. Follow the action live and support them by sending your own message to Shell CEO Peter Vosser.

The Cameron-Sarkozy pact can't put the wheels back on the nuclear gravy train

Posted by Richardg — 22 February 2012 at 11:44am - Comments
Nuclear Action at Construction Site of Proposed Water Reactor
All rights reserved. Credit: Pierre Gleizes/Greenpeace
EDF wants to build nuclear reactors in the UK but is facing problems back home in France

If you took the forced bonhomie of last week’s pact between David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy on civil nuclear power at face value, you'd think that we were heading for a nuclear renaissance. But this won’t be enough to put the wheels back on the nuclear gravy train.

Tweeting from the rooftops: Shell, keep out of the Arctic

Posted by bex — 21 February 2012 at 5:00pm - Comments

It’s official. On Friday, Shell got a step closer to drilling for oil in our planet’s last wild ocean - the Arctic. 

The company’s oil spill response plan for the Chukchi Sea off Alaska was given the all clear by US authorities, even though it’s a work of almost complete fantasy.

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