Greenpeace delivers Valentine to Energy Minister

Posted by bex — 14 February 2002 at 9:00am - Comments
Brian Wilson outside the DTI

Brian Wilson outside the DTI

We met Energy Minister Brian Wilson on the steps of the DTI, to present him with a bunch of red roses and a Valentine's Day card from the nuclear power industry.

Wearing radiation suits and goggles, we gave him a card, signed 'with love from the nuclear industry', containing the following heartfelt poem:

"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
The nuclear industry,
Would've died without you."

Mr Wilson was hosting a press conference for the release of the government's Energy Review, the long-awaited report detailing the future of Britain's energy sources.

Not only does this report leave the door open for a new wave of nuclear power stations across the UK, it also advocates throwing a number of financial and legislative lifelines to save the bankrupt nuclear industry. Greenpeace is disappointed by Labour's readiness to rekindle a love affair with nuclear power, and by the timid targets that the report sets for renewable energy in the UK.

Seemingly embarrassed by his now-public love affair with the nuclear industry, Mr Wilson declined to accept the gifts.


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