Rainbow Warrior supports Nuclear Free Irish Sea Flotilla

Posted by bex — 2 September 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Nuclear free seas flotilla 2002

Nuclear free seas flotilla 2002

The Rainbow Warrior took its place among The Nuclear Free Irish Sea Flotilla at an official launch in Dublin on Sunday.

Dublin's Lord Mayor, Councillor Dermot Lacey, along with politicians and celebrities unveiled the flotilla, which will sail out into the Irish Sea to peacefully protest against the two nuclear freighters carrying rejected plutonium fuel back from Japan.

"We are not willing to stand idly by and allow these shipments to travel through the world's oceans unchallenged," said Paul Barrett, skipper of the 47 foot yacht Tuscair. "These shipments put us all at risk. This madness has to stop."

Yachts, kayaks and sailing boats also gathered in a symbolic flotilla at a simultaneous event in Fishguard, Wales. Once the freighters reach the Irish Sea, these Welsh boats will join up with the Irish contingent.

Greenpeace applauds the people taking part in the Flotilla - for standing up for their right to peacefully protest against this outrageous shipment.

The plutonium ships have suffered massive opposition on their long journey back to the UK, including facing the Nuclear Free Seas Pacific Flotilla in the Tasman Sea. The ships will now experience the further humiliation of facing the Flotilla in the Irish Sea.

"Greenpeace is proud to be part of the Flotilla and the Rainbow Warrior will be there to support the yachts during their protest. We will make sure that the nuclear ships, British Nuclear Fuels and the UK Government hear their protest loud and clear," said Daniel Rizzotti, Captain of the Rainbow Warrior.

The two nuclear freighters, the Pacific Pintail and the Pacific Teal, currently off the coast of West Africa, are expected in the Irish Sea mid-September. The ships, which are already lightly armed with three 30mm cannons, will be accompanied back to Barrow-in-Furness by the largest police operation ever undertaken by the Cumbrian Police.

This shipment has received the strongest global opposition since the diabolical trade and transport of plutonium began. After yesterday's devastating news to BNFL of Japan's indefinite suspension of their plutonium programme, the company now face an even more uncertain future.

This shipment is the ultimate indictment of the nuclear industry: it is completely unnecessary, extremely dangerous and the world neither needs nor wants it.


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