The MV Arneb and nuclear shipments

Posted by bex — 19 November 2001 at 9:00am - Comments
MV Arneb

MV Arneb

Greenpeace is appalled that the British government thinks that the true facts about the nuclear industry should be kept secret from the general public. We are opposed to the nuclear industry and believe that the issues surrounding the industry should be openly and actively discussed so that the general public can make their own, informed, decisions. Millions of pounds of government subsidy continue to prop up this industry, and it is only right that taxpayers have a right to know the facts.

We are committed to exposing the truth about the nuclear industry, and its inherent risks. We believe that it is only right, fair, and proper for individuals and communities to be able to know the truth about the possible risks to their health and their environment.

The recent shipment of Plutonium fuel from Dounreay in Scotland to Germany, aboard the MV Arneb, is a prime example of the sort of information that the new legislation would seek to repress. We believe that the potential implications of this transport should be in the public domain - as any risks or incidents would undoubtedly affect local communities and their environment.

  • the MV Arneb is not designed to withstand terrorist attack
  • the flasks containing the Plutonium fuel have not been tested in realistic accident conditions
  • an accident or incident could radioactively contaminate the seas for generations to come

Further information:
Read the full briefing on Dounreay.


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