Faslane blockade update

Posted by bex — 23 February 2007 at 12:02pm - Comments

Saying no top Trident renewal at Faslane nuclear naval base

Writing from the Arctic Sunrise as it blockades Faslane, in protest against the government's plans to build new nuclear weapons.

Speedboats, inflatables, tugs, police boats – there's been mayhem in the Gareloch as volunteers scrambled to get to the pontoon that protects the Trident submarine. One person managed; he held up a banner from the pontoon reading NO NEW NUKES before being arrested.

Sixteen people have been arrested so far. All of our boats are now out of the water and the ship Arctic Sunrise is the only one left. We're still near the entrance to Faslane, and the waters around us are full of police and defence police vessels. You name it, they're out there. We’re being told that, if we come too close to the submarine, the ship will be boarded and taken. More updates soon.

Part of the Trident: we don't buy it tour blog

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