And the winner is...

Posted by mollybrooks — 3 December 2010 at 3:31pm - Comments
The people's choice. The blob fish.
All rights reserved. Credit: Norfanz.
The people's choice. The blob fish.

Nearly 4,000 people voted in our poll to find a new friend for Greenpeace Giving's Ugly Fish. If you were one of them, thanks very much for exercising your democratic right. The result was a landslide, with over 50% of the votes going to one, particularly (un)attractive, candidate.

So, without further ado, I'm proud to announce that the newest member of the Greenpeace Giving family is..

The Blob Fish

This gelatinous looking animal, Latin name Psychrolutes marcidus, is now available to purchase on for the bargain price of just £10. You won't of course get a real Blob Fish, as we'd like to leave them in the ocean, but you will get a fantastic e-card to send to the recipient of your generous gift.

And your money will go towards Greenpeace's Oceans campaign, which campaigns against the kind of destructive fishing practices that kill species like the Blob Fish alongside the fish they are trying to catch.

If you don't think your friends will appreciate a Blob Fish for Christmas, there are plenty of other gifts to choose from at Greenpeace Giving, from an orangutan suit for a forest activist, to some paint for the new Rainbow Warrior.

Even better, you don't have to venture out in the snow to get your Christmas shopping, you can get all the gifts on, and the ecards will be delivered direct to your friends' email addresses.

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