Arctic barge action day 1More News from the Arctic....

Last edited 8 August 2000 at 8:00am

Northstar: camp

Northstar: camp

It's now 5.30am and the barge, the Agattu, has turned around and is heading back to Barrow where it set out from yesterday. We've obviously caused considerable delay to the building of Northstar by our presence here.

We are setting up a survival hut on theroof of the control module. It's a fibre glass module put together in sections that resemble slices of apple hence it's name Apple Hut.

We don't know what will happen to us once we reached Barrow but intend that most of us will be locked down insde the hut and hopefully be inaccessible to whoever boards us.

It's very cold here. As I look out of the window of the campaign centre I can see huge floes of ice floating past and the odd seal bobbing it's head in the water.

It's a shame the services aren't connected in here. Then we could do away with the tangle of wires that connect us to our power source, make ourselves comfortable and perhaps have some food. As it is discomfort is the order of the day. Hey-ho


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