Save the Arctic

Last edited 14 March 2014 at 1:26pm

The fragile Arctic is under threat from both climate change and oil drilling. As climate change melts the Arctic ice, oil companies are moving in to extract more of the fossil fuels that caused the melt in the first place. But above the Arctic circle, freezing temperatures, a narrow drilling window and a remote location mean that an oil spill would be almost impossible to deal with. It's a catastrophe waiting to happen. Greenpeace is working to halt climate change and to stop this new oil rush at the top of the world.

Campaign updates

Out in the cold: investor risk in Shell's Arctic exploration

The Arctic Ocean is the last frontier for international oil companies, with rapid reductions in ice cover (due to climate change from the combustion of fossil...
Posted by bex - 21 May, 2012 - 08:00
Paula Bear was unmoved by Shell's legal threats after opening their letter yeste

Shell: Dear Greenpeace, We know where you live...

Yesterday morning, staff at Greenpeace Germany received an important-looking letter from Shell - well, Shell’s Legal Services department. Over the next 24...
Posted by bex - 17 May, 2012 - 16:23 -

BREAKING: Activists occupy Arctic-bound icebreaker in Finland

Live streaming of Greenpeace Nordic activists occupying a Shell-contracted icebreaker in Helsinki harbour. Dozens of Greenpeace Nordic activists have boarded...
Posted by bex - 1 May, 2012 - 10:06 -
Cairn's tugs drag icebergs out the way of its Arctic oil drilling rig

10 reasons why investing in Arctic drilling is reckless – according to the world’s top risk assessors

Last week, Lloyd’s of London - the world’s leading insurer which sets the global standard for risk assessment - released a report warning investors not to rush...
Posted by sara_a - 19 April, 2012 - 17:58 -
Arctic Fox

Lessons from the Elgin gas leak: why we must stop Shell's Arctic drilling

Ten days after the leak began, Total is still struggling to contain the gas pouring from its North Sea Elgin platform, citing bad weather as the cause of the...
Posted by bex - 4 April, 2012 - 13:51 -

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