Save the Arctic

Last edited 14 March 2014 at 1:26pm

The fragile Arctic is under threat from both climate change and oil drilling. As climate change melts the Arctic ice, oil companies are moving in to extract more of the fossil fuels that caused the melt in the first place. But above the Arctic circle, freezing temperatures, a narrow drilling window and a remote location mean that an oil spill would be almost impossible to deal with. It's a catastrophe waiting to happen. Greenpeace is working to halt climate change and to stop this new oil rush at the top of the world.

Campaign updates

Going to extremes - Shell and Arctic oil exploration

The Arctic is undergoing fundamental and rapid change. Temperatures are rising faster at the top of the world than anywhere else on Earth. Arctic ice is...
Posted by Sondhya Gupta - 30 June, 2014 - 17:27

Lego is keeping bad company

For over 50 years, LEGO has inspired children’s play and creativity. The company which was founded in 1932 is loved and admired not only for producing quality...
Posted by Sondhya Gupta - 30 June, 2014 - 17:18

Frozen Future: Shell investor briefing

Royal Dutch Shell stands at a strategic crossroads. Its response to the reserves scandal in 2004 has been a global reserves replacement hunt through a...
Posted by jamie - 25 February, 2014 - 12:09

Frozen Future: Shell's ongoing gamble in the Arctic

The US Arctic Ocean presents almost a perfect storm of risks – a requirement for a long-term capital-intensive investment for uncertain return, a remote and...
Posted by jamie - 25 February, 2014 - 01:04

Crazy weather and crazy politicians

Sydney Harbour Bridge was barely visible through the smoke and amber coloured sky. Men covered in protective clothing sprayed water at the blazing bush. A row...
Posted by Alex Harris - 14 February, 2014 - 13:05

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