The Mili-band: how to get there and what's happening on the day

Last edited 21 May 2009 at 3:25pm


On Saturday July 4, thousands of people will come together to form what we are calling the Mili-band (in honour of Climate Change secretary Ed) - a human chain surrounding Kingsnorth power station in Kent, in opposition to building a dirty new coal-fired power plant. 

If you're planning to come (and we really hope you will - as Kingsnorth has become an iconic symbol in the battle over whether Britain is serious about tackling climate change), here's some logistical information that should come in useful. 

Getting there

Coming by train? You can pick up a free shuttle bus to the site from outside Rochester train station in Kent between 9.30 and 11am. Buses will be returning from 3pm to 5pm.

By car? There is no on-site parking for private cars but you can park in Rochester and get the shuttle bus.

If you've hired your own minibus, please arrive at the Kingsnorth holding site no later than 11.30 (maps will be available on this site in June). Parking for minibuses must be arranged either by contacting Will Tucker on 0121 634 3611, or emailing him at

By coach? Oxfam are arranging coaches from the following places:

City   Departure time
Birmingham   7.30am
Bristol   7am
Cardiff   7am
Coventry   8am
Oxford   8.30am

The suggested donation for the return coach journey is £10 per person. Coaches will arrive at Kingsnorth between 10.30am and 11.30am and leave at 4pm. You can book your seat when you sign up to attend the Mili-Band.

What's happening when?

9.30-11am   Shuttle buses ferry people from Rochester station
    to the event centre
10-12am   Assembly on site and registration
12-1pm   Groups set off to take up their positions in the
12-1pm   Mili-band
1.30pm   Photographs and video of the Mili-band
2pm   Finish and return to events centre
2.30pm    Live music on stage
3.00   Summer fête starts
3pm-5pm   Shuttle buses return people to Rochester station

We're working to make the event as family-friendly and fun-packed as possible. So after we've formed the Mili-band there'll be a big summer fête. Complete with stalls, music, plenty to do for the children, and topped off with some inspirational speakers on climate change. Plus the Woodcraft folk who'll be bringing their fun bus as a base for outdoor games.

What should I bring?

Bring yourself, your family, and a few friends, too - ask them to book their spot online. Remember suncream if it's a sunny day, and waterproofs if it's raining. And although there'll be some food available to buy on the day, you might want to bring a picnic and some water.

We look forward to seeing you all there, together we'll raise our voices loud enough to show Ed Miliband (and the national media, who’ll be there on the day) that the UK won't be able to show real leadership at Copenhagen if we are building dirty coal fired power stations at home.

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