Radiohead competition rules

Last edited 28 August 2012 at 5:51pm

This competition is for fun and is designed to raise awareness about threats to the Arctic and what you can do about it, but there are still a few rules, sorry:

1. The closing date for all submissions is 5PM BST on Monday 10th September 2012. We’ll notify the winner by telephone on Monday 10th September or Tuesday 11th September. The Concert dates are 6th October 2012 in Manchester and 8th October 2012 in London, so there's not much time to spare; if you win and we can't get hold of you by 12pm on Tuesday, we reserve the right to award the prize to someone else. 

2. If you don’t win the concert tickets you chose, your name will go in to the draw to be selected at random to win one of two Save the Arctic t-shirts. If you win this draw, you will be contacted by phone during a similar time period. Terms and Conditions numbered 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 apply to t-shirt entries also.

3. You must be a UK resident or citizen to enter the competition.

4. If you win, we'll provide your name to the concert organiser to be added to the guest list for the concert you chose in our online form. These tickets are non-transferrable - you need to use them yourself and you can't sell them. We are not responsible if the concert organisers make a mistake.

5. If you win, you will need to provide the name of your guest straight away over the phone, so do think about who you would take. You will need to be very clear, as we will not be responsible for any spelling mistakes or other kind of error.

6. On arrival at the concert, you and your friend may need to present some photo identification, such as a drivers' licence, which matches up with the names on the guest list. It is your responsibility to provide suitable ID.

7. You are responsible for arriving on time, ahead of the start of the concert. If you arrive late, you may not be allowed in – this is at the discretion of the organisers.

8. You need to sort out and pay for your own transport to and from the concert and everything else you need while you’re there.

9. The winner will be chosen by a random number generator that matches our database records. We reserve the right to exert full decision making powers and any decision we make is final.

10. Greenpeace UK can use your name publically on places like our website and social media in connection with the competition, now and in perpetuity.

11. To win, you must be at least 18 and you can't be an employee or immediate relative of any employee of Greenpeace.

12. You enter the competition at your own risk and Greenpeace does not accept any liability for you or for your guest's expenses, personal injury, damage, theft or loss in connection with the competition even if that loss is caused by Greenpeace's negligence. Etc.

13. Any entries to the competition will automatically be signed up to the Save the Arctic campaign Arctic Scroll, if you haven’t already signed up. We’ll also keep you updated about our campaigns.

Enter the competition now

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