Greenpeace demands zero deforestation by 2010

Last edited 18 June 2001 at 8:00am
Illegal logging in the Amazon

Illegal logging in the Amazon

Brazilian Government reveals continued increase in Amazon deforestation rates

On the eve of the release of shocking new data on Amazon deforestation rates, Greenpeace today called on the Government of Brazil to reduce deforestation to zero by the year 2010.

The new information, due to be released by the Ministry of Environment later today, shows that uncontrolled destruction of the Amazon forest continues at an alarming rate: from August 1999 to August 2000 deforestation increased by 15%. According to INPE, Brazil's National Institute for Space Research, who monitor deforestation via satellite, the total annual deforested area equalled 19,836 square kilometres - the equivalent of 4 million soccer fields -- compared to 17,259 from August 1998 to August 1999.

"The new figures clearly show that efforts by the Brazilian Government have failed to stop, or even to slow, deforestation of the Amazon", said Paulo Ad

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