Greenpeace's goal is to protect the Amazon rainforest in a way that enables people to live sustainably

Last edited 10 August 1999 at 8:00am
Deni and Greenpeace activists pose for a photo while working to protect the ancient forest from logging

Deni and Greenpeace activists pose for a photo while working to protect the ancient forest from logging

With 20 million people living in the region it is clear that to save the Amazon rainforest requires finding real economic alternatives and solutions to destructive logging as well as the other destructive activities like cattle ranching, mining, soya plantations and huge projects like dams.

Greenpeace is working on developing products and services that will provide ways to live off the forest without killing it. Through:

  • Rubber: a traditional and non-destructive part of Amazon life for a century. Designated reserves currently cover only 1%.

  • Non-timber products: including fibres, fruits, nuts, seeds, flowers and honey.

  • Medicinal plants: close to 650 Amazon species with pharmaceutical effects have been identified.

  • Ecotourism: a carefully regulated tourist industry would directly benefit local communities

  • Certified timber: low volume ecological logging ensuring the preservation of ecosystems.



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