Saving Indonesia's rainforests

Last edited 14 March 2014 at 1:30pm

Indonesia's rainforests are a biodiversity hotspot, rich in endemic species, and vital in regulating the Earth's climate. But these forests are being torn down for palm oil, pulp and paper plantations - making Indonesia the world's third largest greenhouse gas emitter and threatening endangered species such as orang-utans with extinction. Greenpeace is campaigning globally to protect Indonesia's rainforests.

Campaign updates

No more tears for tigers as Johnson & Johnson cleans up its palm oil

On Friday, Johnson & Johnson announced it would stop buying palm oil from companies destroying the rainforest. Now the onus is on the palm oil industry as...
Posted by Richardg - 6 May, 2014 - 11:21

No more tears for tigers as Johnson & Johnson cleans up its palm oil

On Friday, Johnson & Johnson announced it would stop buying palm oil from companies destroying the rainforest. Now the onus is on the palm oil industry as...
Posted by Richardg - 6 May, 2014 - 11:21

Find out what happened when we gave Procter & Gamble the Golden Axe award

It's not every day that you get to organise an award ceremony - especially when the recipient has no idea that they've won. When we heard that Procter &...
Posted by Richardg - 27 March, 2014 - 19:34

Find out what happened when we gave Procter & Gamble the Golden Axe award

It's not every day that you get to organise an award ceremony - especially when the recipient has no idea that they've won. When we heard that Procter &...
Posted by Richardg - 27 March, 2014 - 19:34

Colgate agrees to stop buying dirty palm oil - but P&G is still dodging the issue

Great news: Colgate just agreed to stop buying palm oil from forest destroyers. Not only is this a win for fans of dental hygiene (and let's face it, no one...
Posted by Richardg - 24 March, 2014 - 18:53

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