Saving Indonesia's rainforests

Last edited 14 March 2014 at 1:30pm

Indonesia's rainforests are a biodiversity hotspot, rich in endemic species, and vital in regulating the Earth's climate. But these forests are being torn down for palm oil, pulp and paper plantations - making Indonesia the world's third largest greenhouse gas emitter and threatening endangered species such as orang-utans with extinction. Greenpeace is campaigning globally to protect Indonesia's rainforests.

Campaign updates

Manokwari, here we come

A dance troupe from Manokwari take a tour of the Esperanza's bridge © Greenpeace/Rante After nine days at sea, the Esperanza pulled into Manokwari...
Posted by jamie - 17 October, 2008 - 16:14

Jayapura, east of Java: the final forest frontier

Jayapura (image by sandranahdar, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0) As I write this, I'm sat in a hotel lobby looking out on to a market...
Posted by jamie - 9 October, 2008 - 14:37

Meeting with the makers of palm oil

Oil palm saplings waiting to be planted © Behring/Greenpeace Last week, campaigners from Greenpeace South-East Asia met with palm oil producers and...
Posted by jamie - 5 September, 2008 - 15:56

Meeting with the makers of palm oil

Oil palm saplings waiting to be planted © Behring/Greenpeace Last week, campaigners from Greenpeace South-East Asia met with palm oil producers and...
Posted by jamie - 5 September, 2008 - 15:56

Success! Ferrero supports the palm oil moratorium

Primary rainforest, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. © Davison/Greenpeace Regular visitors to our website might have noticed that a few days ago, we...
Posted by bex - 10 July, 2008 - 14:30

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