The Amazon Tecbor Project - supporting 40 rubber tapping families

Last edited 16 May 2000 at 8:00am
Sustainable rubber production in the Amazon

Sustainable rubber production in the Amazon

Greenpeace is working in close partnership on a pilot project for 40 rubber tapping families, funded by the University of Brasilia, the National Council of Rubber Tappers (CNS) and the National Centre of Traditional Populations (CNPT).

Professor Floriano Pastore, of the University of Brasilia Lateq Laboratory has created a new method for congealing Amazon rubber - the Tecbor Technology. Instead of the traditional and unhealthy smoking process, pyroligneous acid is used to produce rubber sheets.

The communities have learned how to use the Tecbor technology and adapted and improved it to local conditions. They are now producing 100% native, high quality natural rubber sheets in an Extractive Reserve located in the Jurua Valley, in the heart of Amazonia state.

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