Timber branded as criminal - an activists' account

Last edited 3 July 2000 at 8:00am

Illegally logged timber is branded by volunteers as it arrives in UK docks

Illegally logged timber is branded by volunteers as it arrives in UK docks

Monday 3 June 4.30 am

As light fills the sky I close the back of the van containing thirteen Greenpeace volunteers. We leave for Tilbury immediately taking a different route to our other van filled with a similar number.

Volunteers from around the UK are part of this action to bring attention to the destruction of the Amazon forest by marking a newly unloaded shipment of Amazonian plywood.

Stomach tightening anticipation begins to build as we set out for the London port of Tilbury where the Amazonian plywood waits in Shed 42.

Follow the full account of how 30 Greenpeace volunteers branded criminal timber docked in Tilbury through the picture slide show.

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