UK Amazon action

Last edited 29 October 2001 at 9:00am

UK Amazon action

Tilbury  Docks - Greenpeace activists brand illegally logged timber

Greenpeace volunteers board ship to stop criminal timber imports and protect the Amazon rainforest

Greenpeace volunteers boarded the MV Enif to stop criminal imports of wood from the Amazon rainforest. The volunteers attached themselves to the bow of the ship in the Thames Estuary, north of Sheerness, to prevent it from unloading at London's Tilbury Docks.

action against amazonian criminal timber - 3 A volunteer climbs aboard the MV Enif
Every month hundreds of tonnes of plywood from the Amazon comes into the UK. The Brazilian Government has said that 80% of all wood logged in the Amazon is taken illegally. WTK, the Malaysian multinational behind these timber imports is one of the world

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