Agriculture at the crossroads

Last edited 4 June 2001 at 8:00am
Crop spraying

Crop spraying

Agriculture is at a crossroads and the choice is stark.

  • Do we want industrial farming and GM food?
  • Do we want sustainable farming and organic food?

Consumers have lost their trust in industrial farming and food production because of concerns about its impact on human health and the environment:

  • The recent spate of food scares such as BSE, E coli, and salmonella
  • A growing awareness of pesticide residues in food and drinking water
  • Concern for animal welfare

Far from liberating us from the problems of industrial farming, GM looks set to exacerbate them. Neither consumers or farmers stand to benefit from GM. GM crops are living pollution that will contaminate conventional and organic farms alike. Greenpeace is campaigning for a ban on GM and a phase-out of industrial farming methods. The solution to the problems of industrial agriculture, including GM, lies in sustainable systems of farming which do not rely on artificial chemical inputs and do not harm the soil and wildlife. When you buy organic you know that it is both good for you and good for the environment.



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