Clarification of the Greenpeace policy on Golden rice

Last edited 14 February 2001 at 9:00am
Greenpeace - taking action against GMYou may have been slightly confused by recent media reports that Greenpeace will not take direct action against so called golden rice. The reason for this misunderstanding is that a Greenpeace campaigner made comments at a press conference in Lyons that were linked in ways that he did not intend.

We want to emphasise that there has been no change in Greenpeace policy. Greenpeace remains opposed to the intentional release of GMO's. That is the basis for all our campaigning in all areas of genetic engineering.

Greenpeace is a direct action campaigning organisation. The statement made at the conference that we have no plans to disrupt field trials of Golden Rice in the Philippines was simply a practical recognition of the resources we have available for our work in the Philippines at this time. Golden Rice has certainly not been ruled out as a target for direct action in the future.


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