Current market position on GM

Last edited 24 May 2003 at 8:00am
Greenpeace meeting local shoppers

Greenpeace meeting local shoppers

Consumers remain overwhelmingly against GM foods - in response, all the major UK supermarkets and food companies have reiterated their commitment to keep GM ingredients out of their own brand products.

A recent MORI poll for The Independent newspaper found that opposition to GM crops and food in the UK remains formidable. The poll showed that opponents of GM continue to outnumber supporters solidly, by four to one, with 56% of the population against, and only 14 % in favour. Among women the figures are even starker, at six to one, with 61% against and only 10% in favour. These findings led MORI to comment that "the widespread extent of the opposition is surprising...If the Government thinks that people are coming round to GM technology, this clearly shows that the opposition to it is still remarkably stable."


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