FSA to debate GM foods in the UK

Last edited 4 April 2003 at 9:00am

The Food Standards Agency (FSA), the UK's food watchdog headed by Sir John Krebs, is currently running a debate on GM foods. Part of their debate involves holding a "citizen's jury" on whether GM foods should be available to buy in the UK, and this is being broadcast live on the web. Strangely, however, the FSA debate is being run separately from the independent GM public debate, which kicks off at the end of May.

We're not sure what the FSA's motives are for doing this - or how the final results will be used by Government - but recently a number of NGOs, including Greenpeace, wrote to the FSA to complain that the views, statements and materials created by the FSA for their debate were neither balanced or fair. In fact, they sounded like they could have come straight from the GM industry.

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