Let the polling begin!

Last edited 18 June 2003 at 8:00am

The Government's great GM public debate has begun. If you haven't heard about it, worry not - few people have.

To help the Government spread the word, and really listen to public opinion, Greenpeace supporters are launching "GM-o-Meter" polls throughout the country.

We've already done some polling outside the Food Standards Agency (FSA) in London. The FSA, our supposedly independent food watchdog, is well known for its anti-organic and pro-GM stance.

Its Chairman, Sir John Krebs, described organic food as "an image led fad" and said that anti-GM protestors were "shrill, often ill-informed and dogma-driven." However, Greenpeace wants to make sure everyone has their say in this debate, so we decided to give FSA staff a chance to see if they agreed with Sir John or not!

Yet for some reason, very few of them wanted to take part. Almost all the FSA staff rushed past our debate facilitators muttering that they were not permitted to take part! We were not even allowed to leave a polling card for Sir John to send back to us!

Not to be deterred, Greenpeace polled passers by in the street instead - and when asked whether they wanted GM-free food, the responses were as follows:

Yes - 92% (70 votes)
No - 8% (6 votes)

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